After 20 years experience in building New Home Landscapes in Melbourne’s East;
Supreme Green is Your Complete New Home Landscape Package Specialists
100's of happy customers have been kind enough to write reviews on their experiences with us here.
Most builders concentrate on building your house only, then leaving all the externals for you to sort out yourself at the end.
At Supreme Green Landscaping we have an experienced and dedicated team focussed solely on completing all the missing parts externally to make your new home complete.
Necessities like driveway, front fence, crossover, paths, permits, gates, retaining walls are all tied together and need to be included in one contract.
We handle all paving, decking, pergolas, security intercom, parcel letterbox, BBQ, low maintenance gardens and lawns, automatic irrigation and landscape lighting with apps, the list goes on...
Only Supreme Green cover everything externally to make your new home project complete.
Drawing a detailed design first is a necessity to accurately cost the complete outdoor construction project for your new home.
Our expert team meet you personally onsite to listen and gather all information to build your brief, assess your site for drainage and builder's warranty compliance.
We take site photos, measurements for levels and details from your building plans to draw a customised design suited to your block.
Then our design department personnel collaborate on bringing you the best overall outcome for the whole project. No surprise fees later with permit drawings, as we include those at no charge once you proceed with construction.
Our showroom and landscape display centre are open 5 days per week for you to touch and feel real life examples of everything that goes into your new home landscape construction.
Our design consultant would love to meet you onsite around lockup stage to discuss all the possibilities for each area around your new home.
After drawing computer generated 2D plans (and optional 3D elevations) we then break down the cost of building each component complete with options or staged construction based on necessity, budget and priority.
Construction is then timed to commence ideally at handover of your new home so as not to keep you waiting to move into a completed project.
Melbourne builders recommend Supreme Green Landscaping due to our focus on warranty compliance, certified drainage and VBA licensed contracts.
Contact us to start the process for a successful outcome of your externals no matter what stage of your new home build you are at.
Or, click here to receive our free 6-step landscape guide for your new home.
For a limited time we are waiving our onsite design consult fee of $440 once you proceed with any of our necessity design packages